COVID-19 is a foreseen event and certain coverages will not apply. Please read the details here.
Please be advised that the military conflict between Russia and Ukraine may impact travel insurance coverages and benefits, and AIG Travel’s ability to provide certain travel-related assistance services, for travel to, from or within the affected areas.



Let’s face it. Certain travel problems are out of your control... flight delays, lost luggage, missed connections, last-minute emergencies. But AIG Travel can help you fix those problems, cover your trip investment and help ensure you get the vacation you’ve planned.

Did you know?

The plan may provide coverage if:

  • someone in your family suffers an illness or injury, even if they aren't scheduled to travel with you
  • you become ill and can't travel, or your child comes down with the chicken pox and you are quarantined
  • you or a traveling companion loses a job
  • weather prevents you from leaving home or from reaching your destination
  • a family member passes away and you must return from your vacation early
  • your luggage or sports equipment is lost or delayed by the airline
  • you twist your ankle and must visit a physician while traveling

Travel Guard's All Seasons Travel Plan Inland can provide coverage for you and your vacation investment when the unexpected occurs.

  • To include travel insurance on your reservation, contact your lodging provider.
  • Coverage may vary by state. Please review the Policy of Insurance for details.